GrowthSpur Aims to Help Local Info Providers

growthspur logo.pngDigital journalism pioneer Mark Potts and some colleagues have launched GrowthSpur, a consultancy aiming to “provide tools, training, services and ad networks that will help local sites grow and become successful businesses.”

More about this on Mark’s blog.

Count me as one of Mark’s fans. He’s had his setbacks, including the ill-fated Backfence project (when it failed, that was the end of my Grassroots Media Bayosphere project as well, as we’d sold it to Backfence). But he has kept working to help journalism stay alive and thrive in this new century, and for that he deserves kudos.

How well will this project work? We won’t know for a while. But Mark has lined up some excellent colleagues, and he knows a great deal about the topic at hand.

Most importantly, he and his team are among the thousands of people who are reinventing media and information — experimenting our way into a future that seems certain to be one of plenty, not scarcity. That’s the best news of all in his announcement.